Monday, February 8, 2010

FarmVille Valentine's Day Specials

Valentine's can now be sent to your friends and traded in for special items.

The Valentine's Gift Box

You can collect Valentine's Day gifts from your friends and trade them for the special items available.
Open your giftbox and find your Valentines Box. Place it anywhere on your farm and you will see a
pop-up box:

By clicking Okay, this will open your Valentine's Day Box. Here you can see how many Valentines you have in the Progress Menu.

To get Valentines, you will have to get them from your friends. Click "Ask for Love" button to send one to any of your friends.
Hopefully, they will return the favor. Friends can send Valentine's Gifts from the Send Gifts Page. You will find your Valentines in your Gift Box.

As you collect these, you can unlock and each item will be revealed as you collect the gift. Redeem buttom will become available for each item. Clicking Redeem will award you the gift in return for proper amt of Valentines.
Strategies is the name of this game to succeed. Check this

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