Monday, February 8, 2010

Don't Cheat The FarmVille System

I hope all of your are enjoying playing FarmVille as much as I am. I never dreamed that it would be so much fun. I am addicted to it. I even wake up at night thinking about it. I just happened to stumble upon it as I had never heard of it. I must admit, I have only been playing it for about a week but have the hang of it by now. I am a level that I feel stuck on, 17, and am having a hard time getting past it. I guess that I need a little help trying to achieve the next levels in the game.

I have seen a lot of articles on cheating the game and the ins and outs. Don't be fooled by those which suggest that you cheat the game. Zynga will shut you down and you will loose your priviledges of playing the game. Also, do not give your login or password to those who are trying to give you something that the maker of the game,Zynga does not offer. This is against the rules.

Those who are trying to cheat the system will try to spam you, your friends and colleagues along with stealing your info and use it against you. You might even get a nasty virus in your computer.

If you want to get ahead in FarmVille, use a strategy guide, not a cheat system.
If you want a good strategy guide, follow this link:

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