Friday, February 19, 2010

Frustrated With Farmville

Playing FarmVille is lots of fun but it is getting frustrating due to the number of issues that this game has.
It is a Beta version, which means there are still lots of glitches in the game. I have had many instances where I have been gifted an item to have it not show up in my gifts. Frustrating to say the least. Also, the screen freezes up constantly, posts do not appear and when they do they have already been spoken for before they even hit the posts. I would not spend any monies on this game until they have perfected it. It looks like they are a long ways away.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Unauthorized FarmVille Sites

Please beware that there are numerous sites which promise you more neighbors, special prizes,gifts,items, cash and numerous other items. Unless any of these come from FarmVille, they are not legal and are not authorized.

The only way to collect gifts,items and neighbors is through the orginal FarmVille web site game play or via Facebook Request page.

Do not put your trust in any other website that asks you for your personal info and Never, Never give out your Facebook password.
Remember, they will steal info and use it against you. Also, you will loose your privileges and will be shut down by FarmVille.

If you need strategies, check out the 100% legal way:

Monday, February 8, 2010

FarmVille Valentine's Day Specials

Valentine's can now be sent to your friends and traded in for special items.

The Valentine's Gift Box

You can collect Valentine's Day gifts from your friends and trade them for the special items available.
Open your giftbox and find your Valentines Box. Place it anywhere on your farm and you will see a
pop-up box:

By clicking Okay, this will open your Valentine's Day Box. Here you can see how many Valentines you have in the Progress Menu.

To get Valentines, you will have to get them from your friends. Click "Ask for Love" button to send one to any of your friends.
Hopefully, they will return the favor. Friends can send Valentine's Gifts from the Send Gifts Page. You will find your Valentines in your Gift Box.

As you collect these, you can unlock and each item will be revealed as you collect the gift. Redeem buttom will become available for each item. Clicking Redeem will award you the gift in return for proper amt of Valentines.
Strategies is the name of this game to succeed. Check this

Farmville Updates Updated

Hey Fellow Farmers on Farmville:

Tired of having your crops wither and monies go down the drain? You can breath a little easier as their is now an Unwither Tool.

The Unwither tool allows one to bring either your own or neighbor's crops back to life after becoming wilted or withered.

Once you enter FarmVille, you will see the "Unwither Icon" in upper left hand corner of FarmVille.

Clicking on the icon will open the following pop-up.

Clicking "Accept" takes you to Market. Here, you can purchase a set of three Unwithers for 30 Farm Cash. Also, you can purchase the Unwither sets from the Market whenever you choose to do so below the Upgrade Farm tab.

Once your purchase these, they are placed in your gift box to use at your discretion. You just need to click use.

You will need at least 8 plots or more of withered crops for this tool to be used. An Icon in lower left corner of your screen, near fuel level, shows you the number of Unwither items you have available.

Also, you can restore your Neighbors crops once you purchase these sets. Again, the neighbor must have 8 or more withered plots.
You'll get a pop up telling you your neighbor has withered crops and do you want to use this.

By clicking "accept" you will use of of the Unwithers and restore your neighbors crops. After this, you can post a a feed to the neighbor's wall them know. Additional help can be found at:

FarmVille on MSN Games


announced that on 2/4/2010, FarmVille is now availabe on MSN games through Facebook Connect.
More than 75 million people play FarmVille each month on Facebook.

FarmVille Hay Bale Strategy


of the

best things in FarmVille is a strategy involving the use of four hale bales. You use four hay bales in a square and you trap your farmer within it. This eliminates you having to wait for your farmer to move from point to point and speeds up your game.Set up three bales, lure your farmer inside, and walla place the fourth bale to seal him in.You can also use your equipment to do so.

If you need future tips to strategies of the game, check out the FarmVille Secrets

Don't Cheat The FarmVille System

I hope all of your are enjoying playing FarmVille as much as I am. I never dreamed that it would be so much fun. I am addicted to it. I even wake up at night thinking about it. I just happened to stumble upon it as I had never heard of it. I must admit, I have only been playing it for about a week but have the hang of it by now. I am a level that I feel stuck on, 17, and am having a hard time getting past it. I guess that I need a little help trying to achieve the next levels in the game.

I have seen a lot of articles on cheating the game and the ins and outs. Don't be fooled by those which suggest that you cheat the game. Zynga will shut you down and you will loose your priviledges of playing the game. Also, do not give your login or password to those who are trying to give you something that the maker of the game,Zynga does not offer. This is against the rules.

Those who are trying to cheat the system will try to spam you, your friends and colleagues along with stealing your info and use it against you. You might even get a nasty virus in your computer.

If you want to get ahead in FarmVille, use a strategy guide, not a cheat system.
If you want a good strategy guide, follow this link: